
A new philosophical thesis

Why Lightsabres > Philosophy
Peter Hughes

Because they do.

So, yeah; games

Ah, graphics in games. Such wonderful things. It seems strange that recently, to admire graphics has become almost synonymous with being shallow; if all you like are pretty things, you're not concentrating on the game itself.

Whilst to a certain degree, I would concur with this, I do think that graphics are an integral part of games, and not something to be overlooked. With films, often the visual style and the way that it is presented is a vital part of the experience; with novels, much of the text will be involved with describing settings and characters (unless it is deliberately ambiguous or just poorly written). With games, it has the interesting mix that whilst graphics are important, they are also intertwined with technology; as technology increases, so does the graphics capability.

This is best seen in Crysis. After playing the demo on my high end rig, I have to say it is the most photo-realistic, mind-blowing game I have ever seen. Not only does it look good, but it interacts; every leaf bends out of your way, foliage breaks where you shoot it, anything can be picked up and interacted with.

Is Crysis an example of where the future of games lies? I think it provides a start. Given that level of detail, I would like to see more adventurous graphical styles seen; we've achieved photorealism (to the point of diminishing returns), so lets get into the wonderful world of abstraction!

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Musings on the concept of human rights

Yeah; so the other day I was thinking about the whole concept of human rights, and how they come about. The following is just a collection of my ideas; they have no real purpose but are merely a way for me to extrapolate my thoughts on the matter. They will probably be rather winding and go off on many tangents. Huzzah.

The person has no rights by default.

Rights are bestowed by society based on the generally agreed ethics of that society.

Therefore, the person in isolation can be said to have no rights as the individual cannot form a society

Society is the interaction between many individuals

Thus it can be seen that rights are a direct result of interaction between individuals.

Why, then, are so many rights given or denied without interaction with the individuals they affect?

Answer- government.

Why should we have rights?

They set a standard for living. In a Utopian society, rights would be equal for all

Is there such a thing as a basic right?

Some rights are more vital than others.

For society to work, a certain level of conformity is required.

Rights, therefore, need conformity.

Conformity is not necessarily bad.

It is necessary for any social group to work as a cohesive whole.

At what level of conformity is personal freedom lost?

1. Conformity of the personal- the act of conforming to social trends
2. Conformity of the self/intellect- the act of conforming to certain ways of thinking
3. Conformity of motions- the act of conforming to accepted behaviour

Society needs 3., and to a small degree 2.

1. Is unnecessary and seems to arise spontaneously as part of the human mindset- helps ease interaction with others, but is ultimately superficial.

2. Is needed for general decisions to be made in a form of government, but in totality is stifling. For intellectual exploration and advancement, this must be disregarded.

3. Is wholly necessary. This does not refer to individual, low level actions, but rather to what is and what is not allowed by society. We all conform to the social idea that murder is not an accepted form of behaviour, and it is in our and societies interests to conform to this.

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Hello there

This is todays blog post. As I previously stated, it was not my intention to make this a regular or coherent blog, but rather a site where I can post my musing and ramblings as and when I need to.

Following from this, we thus conclude that Douglas sucks, as he expect me to write new blog posts every day. For shame, Douglas, for shame. I wish I'd never told you about my blog, but alas I was drunk and such things happen.

On better news, I finally got paid today. Huzzah! £145, going into my bank account right now. The Orange Box is so, so, close now.

*salivates in anticipation*

Oh, btw, I hate the 'powered by Scribe Fire' message that appears under here. It bloody well isn't powered by scribe fire, it's powered by my own blood, sweat and tears. Well, not really those (fluids + computers = bad things), but you get the gist. Scribe Fire merely uses some ancient black magic to allow me to post to this blog through my browser (Firefox FTW!). Bah.


Crysis single player demo is now out. Downloading now. Oh my god, I can't fucking wait; at last, a chance to show off my stupidly overpowered computer. God bless you, directX10 :p

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Damn you, Douglas

Bah, so I just happened to mention the fact that I have a blog last night, and now Doug wants a link to it. Bloody typical. This is why I don't get drunk.

Oh, another reason why I don't get drunk is that I do fucking stupid things like asking out Ellie and Jess via text. Oh, such fun to be had properly explaining myself. I've sort of talked to Ellie, but meh. I am too bloody stupid at times... damn my lack of inhibitions.

Oh yes, I also recall prancing around, pretending to be Master Chief. Brilliant. Now everyone thinks I'm a game-addicted twat :p

On the plus side, I've sort of worked out how to snap my fingers. No, not in the awfully painful, broken-bones way, but instead the act of producing a 'snap' noise by rubbing two fingers against each other. You know what I mean. It would appear that whilst I am unable to do this when sober, being drunk endows me with the curious ability to perform it perfectly. Wonders will never cease. I feel that I should return to a drunken state in order to test this observation more thoroughly...

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Woo, easy easy blogging!

Just added in a nice new plug-in for Firefox, whereby I can post to this blog without having to go through the hassle of loading up blogger, signing in, clicking on new post, etc.

Ah, the joy of minimizing workload :)

On an additional note, In Rainbows is the sex. It is a godlike album. Thankyou, Radiohead.

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Gah, I've been planning on writing another blog post, but for some reason just haven't been getting around to it. I don't think anyone reads this, but if you do, many apologies.

Well, I unfortunately think that I may not have been quite as successful in abandoning this infatuation than I thought I had been. It isn't as bad as it was, but now I still think that I have feelings for Jess. It's annoying, because like I've previously said, it's entirely obvious she has no feelings for me. Gah, damn these emotions.

In other news, absolutely nothing of worth has really been happening. Sometimes I loath the fact that my life is so monotonous.

Anyways, my shoulder's hurting and I have to go get dinner. Off to a party tonight, so should be good. And I finally got paid! Success!

Hopefully I'll be making this more of a regular feature, so see you around!