
Internal dichotomy

Fuck. I love you and I hate you and you are forever taunting me with the promise and allure of something that could be but which, deep down, I know will never come to be because you're so fucking wrapped up in your own petty and superficial discriminations that I will forever remain a friend and nothing more.

Jesus fucking christ, why is it that your persuit of an older boy leads you to completely ignore me? Why is it that you must make things SO FUCKING UNFAIR?

Of course, that's being silly. Dear Peter, you don't actually expect life to be fair, do you?

Of course I fucking don't but please, let me just have this one chance.

But, no, it doesn't work that way and never will because we all know that people such as me dont get chances. You get given what you've got and have to dance to the fucking tune.

Dance you fucker, dance.

Oh, I hate myself, how I love you and hate you.